
Art increases children confidence, work ethic, attention span, resilient, emotional balance, and really important creativity. We live in competitive times, where innovation, confidence, flexibility and problem solving skills can make the difference in our jobs, home or social life.

Art works as a lab for children to explore in a save environment right and error with instant results, whether the results are of satisfaction or disappointment, children who do art are constantly exposed to that learning curve that benefits the development of resilient, critical thinking, observation, problem solving skills, appreciation and self expression.  

CHILDREN WHO DO ART ARE MORE CONTENT WITH WHO THEY ARE, they identify themselves as successful creators for their work is recognized  and celebrated directly toward their individual ability. In contrast with other activities as sport teams (also important for physical development but not always effective as confident builder activity) the focus is remarkably emphasized in the more skilled participant. 

Despite the fact that art is usually an individual effort, children who do art through our program are constantly analyzing and giving positive feedback to other's children art work, facilitating interaction and appreciation of different styles and points of view.  

Art offers children more opportunities than any other activity, for self expression, and showcasechildren to display their abilities, and to be recognized by them at home and school, strengthen their confidence and self-esteem. 

Why start art at a young age?

Art activities are some of the best ways to promote literacy and brain development. Early childhood is an especially important time for hands-on, self-directed learning. Art engages children’s senses in open-ended play and develops attention span, problem solving skills and other cognitive social-emotional skills as turn taking, observation... Meaningful art experiences provide children with authentic self-expression – the freedom of choice, thought and feeling.

The Synergy between Art and Literacy

Spatial Relations/Visual Literacy: Art promotes print awareness and the ability to differentiate scribbles, markings and shapes-as well as directionality and position.
Eye/Hand/Brain CoordinationArt promotes the ability to interpret visual information, alter that information and respond to a continuous flow of new information being sent from eye to hand to brain.
Verbal Creativity: Combining literacy and art activities allows children to expand their oral communication skills and learn a wide range of new information being sent from eye to hand to brain.
Visual CreativityCombining literacy and art experiences allows children to represent their ideas and feelings visually, and enhances imagination, visual language, and spatial relations skills.
Aesthetics: Combining literacy and art allows children to have daily opportunities for aesthetic expression.
Self-Esteem: Self-esteem is enhanced when children’s emerging literacy skills and art explorations are value and respected.

From Smart art ideas, Anna Reyner.

Children who participate in the arts each week through at least one full year are:
  • 4 times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement
  • 3 times more likely to be elected to class office within their schools
  • 4 times more likely to participate in a math and science fair
  • 3 times more likely to win an award for school attendance
  • 4 times more likely to win an award for writing an essay or poem
Young artists, as compared with their peers, are likely to: 
  • Attend music, art, and dance classes nearly three times as frequently
  • Participate in youth groups nearly four times as frequently
  • Read for pleasure nearly twice as often
  • Perform community service more than four times as often 
Source: “Living the Arts through Language + Learning: A Report on Community-based Youth Organizations,” Shirley Brice Heath, Stanford University and Carnegie Foundation For the Advancement of Teaching, Americans for the Arts Monograph, November 1998
Did you know?

Art education for children
  • Stimulates and develops the imagination and critical thinking, and refines cognitive            and creative skills.
  • Has a tremendous impact on the developmental growth of every child and has proven to help level the “learning field” across socio-economic boundaries.
  • Strengthens problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, adding to overall academic achievement and school success.
  • Develops a sense of craftsmanship, quality task performance, and goal setting—skills needed to succeed in the classroom and beyond.
  • Teaches children life skills such as developing an informed perception; articulating a vision; learning to solve problems and make decisions; building self-confidence and self-discipline; developing the ability to imagine what might be; and accepting responsibility to complete tasks from start to finish.
  • Nurtures important values, including team-building skills; respecting alternative viewpoints; and appreciating and being aware of different cultures and traditions.
  • Plays a central role in cognitive, motor, language, and social-emotional development.
  • Motivates and engages children in learning, stimulates memory, facilitates understanding, enhances symbolic communication, promotes relationships, and provides an avenue for building competence.
  • Provides a natural source of learning. Child development specialists note that play is the business of young children; play is the way children promote and enhance their development. The arts are a most natural vehicle for play. 
Source: Americans for the Arts, 2002; Young Children and the Arts: Making Creative Connections, 1998, Introduction. Transfer from "Small hands big art"