Friday, October 19, 2012

4 steps to help your kids to start and complete their Reflections projects

There are 7 different categories kids can submit for Reflections: Visual Art, 3-D, Photography, Literature, Musical composition, Film production, Dance choreography. Only one project per category, and remember artwork must be created for and related to the theme “The magic of a moment”.

1 – Getting the idea

If your kids haven’t decided what to do for reflections, these are ways that might help to find the final idea:

a-      On a piece of paper have them write, without stopping, words related to the theme for one minute. Then discuss how those words are related, for example: Bird or baby bird, when they think of a bird they might think it is magical to see a mama bird feeding her babies. Work through this brainstorming technic until you have at least three options, have them select their final idea by connecting that idea with the way they feel, they will know which idea sparks the most interest. The other ideas can be used for other categories they would like to enter. (If your child didn’t come up with many options that satisfy their interest, repeat the exercise.)
b-      Type the theme on Google/images and go through pictures to stimulate their ideas, then do exercise “a”.

2 – Writing the Artist statement

Talk to your child about the Idea they choose and have them write down how they feel that idea is connected with the theme “the magic of a moment”, remember every creation is connected to us by feelings (emotions), senses; use the five senses to help your kids create a strong statement, for example when they “See” or think of a mama bird feeding her baby how do they feel, how is that magical? How do they think the feathers of the baby birds feel to the “Touch”, is that magical?  What you will be doing is merging your kids into their idea and collecting their impressions to build a strong artist statement.   

3 – Choosing the Medium

What medium will your child like to use? Watercolors, colored pencils, pastels, etc. suggest them to use a medium they feel comfortable working with; it will help to avoid frustration and incompletion of the project. For 3-D you can suggest using recycled materials, clay, paper mache, etc.

4 – Submitting the project

Take a few minutes to get familiar with the guidelines and requirement for the different categories, like; dimensions and other simple details that will save you time and disappointment at the end. You can visit for more details. Or call the Reflections chairperson at your local school. The entries usually can be turned in at the school office or through your child’s teacher.

You can use this as a great opportunity to spend one on one quality time with your child and discover their perceptions and likes, but remember the entry must be the work of only the child, don’t steal your kids' opportunity to feel capable to do great things; this is just the beginning of a wonderful journey!

I hope this was helpful, please take a few moments to leave your comments.

Iraima Otteson.